New York City Liquor Licensing. Simplified.

LYSENSE provides the New York City hospitality industry with a seamless solution for applying for and managing liquor licenses.

Pared down, straight forward, with the information you need and none that you don't.

Because this doesn't have to be the headache that everyone says it is.

Guidance without
the Legal Fees.

Learn move about the process of obtaining a liquor license for your establishment in New York City - the Application Process.

License Renewals

Renewing your license? Notify your NYC Community Board and prepare and submit your SLA Renewal application.

Corporate Changes

New partners coming on? Apply to add new owners to your license, or remove them.

Alteration Applications

Adding or removing space? Apply to alter your licensed premises.

Endorsement Applications

Need to add another corporation, LLC, partnership or trust to your license? Bring them on by applying for an Endorsement Certificate.

Class Changes

Looking to sell liquor in addition to wine and/or beer? See if your licensed premises qualifies and apply to upgrade your license.

Method of Operation Changes

Want to extend your hours of operation, add live music or change anything else about how you operate? Apply to alter your method of operation.

Secure Licensee Document Hosting and Management

  • License Certificates, Permits & Community Board Stipulations
  • Past SLA & NYC Community Board Submissions
  • Corporate Documents, Leases, Premises Photos, Diagrams, and Personal Information
Sign Up

New York SLA  
License Renewals

LYSENSE makes the renewal process simple.

Notify your local NYC Community Board and renew your
NY SLA liquor license with a seamless, all-online solution.

Renew My License

Register your Account

Sign up for LYSENSE in a few simple steps and get on your way to hassle-free liquor licensing .


Add Current Licenses

Enter basic information about your current NY SLA liquor licenses, if any.

If you're using our document hosting solution, this is where you'll be asked to upload key documents.


Build & Submit

Build & submit NYC Community Board & NY SLA liquor license applications all online.

Go at your own pace and work with our support team to get it done.


Get Updates

Receive important updates on your applications and new documents received from state & local government.

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